Consider Perspectives for 2019


If I could point to the two things that have helped me the most in my journey with our Lord in the last 10 years, they would be reading through the various books of Dallas Willard, and becoming involved with Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. It took a few years before I finally decided to commit the time (15 weeks for 3 hours a week) to taking Perspectives. In the couple years following, however, not only did I get involved in the coordinating team that does our local class, but in 2019 I will be an instructor. Needless to say, I clearly believe Perspectives is both special and important!

Perspectives is far more than just a class about missions. It is a collaborative learning experience about what God has done and is doing in the world, and how each of us as followers of Jesus have a place in His global purpose. Each instructor brings unique qualifications and insights to the material. And through the instructors, a bit of reading, and some class activities, we come to see a clearer vision of our place in what God has been doing in the world.

Is Perspectives a big commitment? Well I won’t say it is not. Three hours every Monday for 15 weeks, and there is some out of class reading that helps to expand upon and reinforce what is taught in the Monday night sessions. And Perspectives costs $250 for the class. At Greenhill we offer a 50% scholarship and there are additional discounts if you take it with your spouse.

I can honestly say what I gained in clarifying my role in God’s plan for the nations, the challenging instructors, and being able to interact with other followers of Jesus who also want to be a part of what God is doing in the world, was worth far more than the time and money I spent to be a part of Perspectives!

Last year at Greenhill we had 3 of the instructors in our Sunday morning worship. Two of those instructors, John and Jamie Zumwalt, will be back again this year. If you heard them, or Brian Hogan, whom we also had visit us, you know already that the instructors are exciting to listen to, and have deep knowledge of their particular specialties.

This video will give you three great testimonies of how Perspectives will deeply impact your life: .

Read more or register at And if you have questions call or email me and I will be happy to go on and on about why I love Perspectives so much!